Honey Pie!: best ever
sunniest: My inspirtaion. This week favorites
donyastockton: DSCF0217.JPG
pyza*: Muppet Girl! ~ Kokolinka
pyza*: Play Dead... ~ Kokolinka
pyza*: Balbinka & Me... (identical?)
pyza*: "I will ride that Beast!" ~ Juju
pyza*: "I ride Bear!" ~ Gapcio
pyza*: "GRR! I will kill you, Pasta!" ~ Florcia
pyza*: "Cute? Who? Me?" - Kokolinka
Craft & Creativity: More organized trims and ribbons
— Loomax: Sometimes I Think She's Just In My Imagination
Iridium1: Castelluccio
Iridium1: Castelluccio
Iridium1: Castelluccio
Iridium1: Castelluccio
Sean Reidy Photography: Norcia pattern
craftapalooza: wreath
craftapalooza: wreath light
craftapalooza: wreath closeup
thebadastronomer: What scientists say and what the public hears
esther**: Beautiful Beach
cgines: A case of wanderlust
cgines: Pouty kids with attitudes
Alfredo Santamaria: Chateando en Bici