Abstract Magdalene: someone help me keep the light on
Abstract Magdalene: those eyes
Abstract Magdalene: I've got my lorazepam face on
Abstract Magdalene: pretty bondage
Abstract Magdalene: every, some, no, body
Abstract Magdalene: Buckley and Gish
Abstract Magdalene: echoes of myself {7/365)
Abstract Magdalene: together {13/365}
Abstract Magdalene: my left ventricle {18/365}
Abstract Magdalene: I climbed that hill
Abstract Magdalene: kissing green
Abstract Magdalene: crossed legs
Abstract Magdalene: Someone, please...
Abstract Magdalene: See me {5/365}
Abstract Magdalene: put me back together {6/365}
Abstract Magdalene: through my eyes
Abstract Magdalene: Over-exposed Gish
Abstract Magdalene: October Gish
Abstract Magdalene: through a looking glass {23/365}
Abstract Magdalene: sick, in bed
Abstract Magdalene: Gish and Wasse.
Abstract Magdalene: portrait 1
Abstract Magdalene: Gish in family ruins
Abstract Magdalene: Gish and Bailey