Abstract Magdalene: Provisions for first night in new place.
Abstract Magdalene: Take another piece of my heart, babe.
Abstract Magdalene: Oh my lord, I don't know how I'm going to deal. Apple girl.
Abstract Magdalene: Old magazine advert. Fun!
Abstract Magdalene: Self portrait. Walking in snow.
Abstract Magdalene: My first school in wikwemikong, ontario.
Abstract Magdalene: It's like wearing a new dress for the first time.
Abstract Magdalene: A passport is a magic key that opens any door.
Abstract Magdalene: I'm gorgeous. Running on 2 hours of sleep.
Abstract Magdalene: My favourite treat in Ireland. Chocolate covered toffee. Mmm
Abstract Magdalene: Rome. I miss Italian food. I need more stamps in my passport.
Abstract Magdalene: My stomping straw and clay to make cob
Abstract Magdalene: Rocket stove core made of firebricks
Abstract Magdalene: My favourite apple has a halo, season already over.
Abstract Magdalene: Yarn bombing
Abstract Magdalene: HipstaPrint
Abstract Magdalene: HipstaPrint
Abstract Magdalene: I love Plants vs. Zombie spelling.
Abstract Magdalene: Or here. Or nowhere.
Abstract Magdalene: Don't know what I'm looking for but maybe you're there.
Abstract Magdalene: But I only see shades of grey.
Abstract Magdalene: Almost the last of it.
Abstract Magdalene: Angles. Shadows. Light.
Abstract Magdalene: My version of a Zombie garden gnome with his lunch.