Mr Gio1: That's me
elaineyam316: What is a photograph?A picture painted by the sun and the camera is the brush.
elaineyam316: 《等待》
elaineyam316: •平安•幸福•快乐•
elaineyam316: Disappointed
Hodaka Yamamoto: 疾走 -at full speed
Mr Gio1: Colosseum
Hodaka Yamamoto: 嘆きの石 -wailing wall
Hodaka Yamamoto: 夏のオフィーリア -Ophelia in summer
Hodaka Yamamoto: 真夏の肖像 ver.2 -a portrait in midsummer
Bijanfotografy: Village 8 ...
Bijanfotografy: Surfing ...
Hodaka Yamamoto: 夏遊泳 -summer jumpin'
Kenneth811: DSC_0086
usk9999: Architecture and my son #6
usk9999: Architecture and my son #9
usk9999: Architecture and my son #8
Mr Gio1: Sì dice che ogni cerchio é un'anno. Sai l'età? Scatto effettuato dalla mia giovane fotografa Greta.
fotoqrapher: last roll of film
fotoqrapher: untitled
fotoqrapher: thousand years of light
fotoqrapher: fujifilm neopan 400
fotoqrapher: finish
fotoqrapher: cloudy blue
fotoqrapher: KLCC Malaysia #2
fotoqrapher: KLCC Malaysia #1
fotoqrapher: shadow play
Mr Gio1: E Arrivo' il Natale.
kamaruld: Sibu_2013-11-30_199