Celestial Temple: Me stewarding at Quay Arts Centre last year
Celestial Temple: Me again, deary me...
Celestial Temple: In the Birchwood
Celestial Temple: Pan and Water Nymph
Celestial Temple: Anubis and The Girl
Celestial Temple: Dog God ceramic sculpture
Celestial Temple: Hare Goddess ceramic sculpture
Celestial Temple: Wroxall Mare 01
Celestial Temple: Museum Skull 01
Celestial Temple: SmashanaKali 01
Celestial Temple: Minotaur 01
Celestial Temple: Dolmen 01
Celestial Temple: Candomble Snake Goddess 01
Celestial Temple: Candomble Goddess 01
Celestial Temple: Candomble altar 02
Celestial Temple: Candomble altar 01
Celestial Temple: Ba-Amun 01
Celestial Temple: Tea at Mister Dragon's House
Celestial Temple: Solntse and Perun
Celestial Temple: Pergola at Hornimann Museum
Celestial Temple: Monkey Girl
Celestial Temple: Lilith in the Tree
Celestial Temple: King of the Serpents
Celestial Temple: Galtee Mountains 2000