heanguy: 57/366 - 26 Feb [Track Practice]
heanguy: 66/366 - 6 Mar [passing time]
heanguy: 71/366 - 11 Mar [jus running relays]
heanguy: Neya and Fe
heanguy: 94/366 - 3 Apr [WHKP Relays]
heanguy: 99/366 - 8 Apr [Girls Track]
heanguy: 108/366 - 17 Apr [free popcorn]
heanguy: 109/366 - 18 Apr [Thrilla at Practice]
heanguy: 110/366 - 19 Apr [Fe - MVP Times-News]
heanguy: 123/366 - 2 May [Last practice before regionals]
heanguy: 124/366 - 3 May [200m Champ]
heanguy: Paper Fe
heanguy: Lady Knights hanging out.
heanguy: Walking the track.
heanguy: Cory
heanguy: Fe before 100.
heanguy: Rounding curve- 400 prelims
heanguy: finishing the 400 prelims
heanguy: Fe in 200 prelims
heanguy: Fe in 200 prelims
heanguy: Felisha's little bro
heanguy: Dills and Fe
heanguy: Drooly Neya
heanguy: Coach Pierce
heanguy: 400m Champion
heanguy: Fe getting shoes
heanguy: Thrilla in 3200
heanguy: Sarah finishing 8th.
heanguy: Fe at A&T