jacquesvalentine // BOYS TO THE BONE: BTTB kort shirt x TMD september
Serein Evergarden: "Beautiful angel, I love your imperfections every angle."
3XIS: ...is carried on the breeze
Jangsungyoung Resident: 078. Sake and Sushi
アン (bateli): ^^Swallow^^ Ears Contest 2018 - (bateliii)
Steffy Ghost/ JackSpoon: . Water has trebled my eye
Chiaki xue: *Dura* B81_AD
Chiaki xue: *Dura*B&G81(Unisex hair)
Chiaki xue: *Dura* AD
Sophee.Mojo. <3: can you release me?
Steffy Ghost/ JackSpoon: . Poison Heart
Steffy Ghost/ JackSpoon: . Strictly Out of Phase
Anouk A.: Light Wrap
† 제이슨 † 이시카와: Portait by Epistaxis
Reya D. :): He Won't Mind...