Hugh Wyeth: Harris
Hugh Wyeth: Highlan Coo
Hugh Wyeth: Harris
Hugh Wyeth: Hena on Harris
Hugh Wyeth: Hena on Harris
Hugh Wyeth: Hena in the Cairngorms
Hugh Wyeth: Hena in Seoul
Hugh Wyeth: Seoul
Hugh Wyeth: Seoul
Hugh Wyeth: Seoul
Hugh Wyeth: Sainte Chapelle
Hugh Wyeth: Sainte Chapelle
Hugh Wyeth: Sainte Chapelle
Hugh Wyeth: Sainte Chapelle
Hugh Wyeth: Hena and Toki
Hugh Wyeth: La Creuse
Hugh Wyeth: La Motte
Hugh Wyeth: Landshut Cathedral
Hugh Wyeth: Landshut Cathedral
Hugh Wyeth: Landshut Cathedral
Hugh Wyeth: Betty