Flооd: Ghicitoare
chotda: sleeping santa dogs
mark174us: IMG_0420
City Sonic: City Sonic_Toronto Music_Geddy Lee_Rush_Massey Hall_1
disgruntledjedi: 2.365.275: I’ll just have one more…
<gassa>: the rest
Fernando Reyes Palencia: "Corazon" (HDR)
Balakov: We're gonna need a bigger boat
powerpig: Are you my Mommy?
_ØяAcLә_: P H O T O S H O O T
_ØяAcLә_: Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why...Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced that we are loved."
_ØяAcLә_: b l a k
sodapop curtis: 58/365 i am electric, i am magnetic, i am a hot boy and dont you forget it
twnklmoon: I am not mysterious.
~aspidistra~: I'm a supermodel!
alibubba: The Ring (32/365)
Ariana Toothpaste: 155/365 waiting for things to pass
Amadika: Fuggerland Circus presents: 4eyes - the banana skin juggler !
bp6316: 90/365 - Just feel better *EXPLORED!*
slworking2: Full moon tonight
IvaYaneva: 194/365 My. Eyes. Hurt.
that edit girl: Someone once told me ...
planethiker: Neil Peart's motorcycle and drum set
aknacer: The Return Home
_ØяAcLә_: 9/11....Remembrance
sandossu: Atheist
Heather F: Day 208: Blood-Red Moon
Moments Caught...: the whole world right in his hands