Fusion.: 365.1 * Guess Who's Back
Fusion.: 365.2 * Waterfront
Fusion.: 365.3 * I am "waiting on a rescue that never comes"
Fusion.: 365.4 * "Carve away the stone"
Fusion.: 365.5 * "Rider of the Storm"
Fusion.: 365.6 * Rock out with your Spock out
Fusion.: 365.7 * Carmel Macchiato Ice Cream
Fusion.: 365.8 * Bench Monday
Fusion.: 365.9 * Full Moon
Fusion.: 365.9 * Day 9
Fusion.: 365.10
Fusion.: 365.11 * I See Nothing
Fusion.: 365.13 * Rush Collection
Fusion.: 365.14 * Bed's Too Big Without You
Fusion.: 365.15 * Mugshot Monday
Fusion.: 365.16 * In This Darkness
Fusion.: 365.17 * R0bot Pr0n
Fusion.: 365.18 * Narcissism Thursday (Man in the Mirror)
Fusion.: 365.19 * au naturale
Fusion.: 365.20 * Independence Visitor Center
Fusion.: 365.21 * Guinness is good for you
Fusion.: 365.22 * red bull in green field
Fusion.: 365.23 * Change
Fusion.: 365.24 * Hold Love Strong
Fusion.: 365.25 * Banging my head against the (garden) wall
Fusion.: 365.26 * Here comes the storm
Fusion.: 365.27 * Part of my library
Fusion.: 365.28 * "First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and then stop finding fault with the reflection" N.Maharaj
Fusion.: 365.29 * Stairs and a mirror
Fusion.: 365.30 * Drive Through Mirror