hubbit: Alaska and Dakota say hi
hubbit: I'm on ur bed gettin ur sleeps
hubbit: Reminder that Election Day is Tuesday
hubbit: upload
hubbit: upload
hubbit: upload
hubbit: Good morning, Chicago
hubbit: Purply-pinkish sunrise clouds at Howard
hubbit: Baseball on the magic lighted dial
hubbit: Eeerie clouds but spectacular
hubbit: As seen through the Wells Street Bridge :)
hubbit: Back to amazing clouds. :)
hubbit: Not the best-lit picture but it shows Devon Avenue's diversity. A masjid next door to the offices of our state senator and his wife, our alderman, both of whom are Jewish.
hubbit: upload
hubbit: This is actually a better contrast :)
hubbit: Clouds over Devon Avenue - a contrast
hubbit: Swoopy clouds off the Howard CTA stop
hubbit: Downtown high-rises throw morning shadows on the city to the west
hubbit: Back of the house. Frosty!
hubbit: You look tired, snow. Why don't you have a seat on this bench?
hubbit: This is Howard Station. Sno(w)pe.
hubbit: Wintery platform.
hubbit: Snowy window ledges!!
hubbit: Morning.
hubbit: Indication of height by our back gate
hubbit: Over my ankles. Fun. Light textured and easy to shovel, though.
hubbit: Aerial view out the back. (We have no upstairs windows that face front.)
hubbit: View out the front window
hubbit: View out our back window
hubbit: Chicago looks seriously pretty today from high up.