htaubert: P1080927
htaubert: walking the bridge
htaubert: Old crane
htaubert: Maine downstream
htaubert: P1080932
htaubert: Rathaus
htaubert: Old market
htaubert: P1080935
htaubert: View from the dome
htaubert: View from the dome2
htaubert: The crossing
htaubert: city skyline
htaubert: breaking the horizon
htaubert: _1080942
htaubert: To the tower
htaubert: scraping contrast
htaubert: To the tower
htaubert: Watering hole
htaubert: At the opera
htaubert: Alter Oper
htaubert: lunchtime
htaubert: At the market
htaubert: wedding at the market
htaubert: G(r)eek?
htaubert: Locked and loaded
htaubert: Verboten
htaubert: View over Main
htaubert: Car over Main
htaubert: Enjoy the view
htaubert: The valley