htaubert: Testing the new grill. Still learning. :)
htaubert: Man in the mirror. #W
htaubert: 'Small boat' harbour of Salerno
htaubert: Vårsläpp i forsen. #Imatra #imatrankoski
htaubert: Tv-tower
htaubert: P1130415
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htaubert: P1130413
htaubert: P1130438
htaubert: P1130436
htaubert: P1130435
htaubert: P1130434
htaubert: P1130433
htaubert: P1130432
htaubert: P1130431
htaubert: P1130430
htaubert: P1130429
htaubert: P1130428
htaubert: P1130427
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htaubert: P1130425
htaubert: P1130423
htaubert: P1130422
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htaubert: P1130418
htaubert: P1130417
htaubert: P1130412