hoverfly: swatches nov 16
hoverfly: IMG_4821.jpg
hoverfly: black friday test shoot
hoverfly: Does Your Dog Wake You Up Early? (video)
hoverfly: Doberman on Grass Globe
hoverfly: Planet Hilde
hoverfly: Dog on a little grass world
hoverfly: Doberman on Grass Moon
hoverfly: Dobe on Globe
hoverfly: Pink!
hoverfly: Pink Polka Dots - (no longer available)
hoverfly: sneak preview -- new raincoat design
hoverfly: The Workshop
hoverfly: Multiplicity (no longer available)
hoverfly: Cornflower blue
hoverfly: Snowflake
hoverfly: Third photoshoot of the season
hoverfly: Third photoshoot of the season
hoverfly: Third photoshoot of the season
hoverfly: Pink Argyle - (no longer available)
hoverfly: first photoshoot for the Fall 2010 line
hoverfly: Flying Dobe
hoverfly: dobe in pink
hoverfly: Back to Basics Photos Shoot
hoverfly: Back to Basics Photo Shoot