dePippis: Optical illusion [Explored Jun 28, 2013 #79]
Tino Nieto: A solas con el mar @buethewarrior zijn pop-up winkeltje, nog vandaag en morgennm
smeert: boredom
plαdys: Self Portrait
Susannah B: Clarissa
Veerle Pieters: The field of Brussels sprouts, now in full color…
Veerle Pieters: Look who's here: Mr. Winter!
smashred: DSC_2300-2
HasinHayder: the mist
Veerle Pieters: More cycling! As from now on the days only get longer…
LienWeb: Mozaïek van de chef
skoeber: Karlsbrücke, Prague
Kim_Reimer: Rainbow Umbrella
Figgidy diggidy: 130.365 STANK BREATH
koenm1: DSC_2235
KHR Images: Migrant Hawker, in flight (more below)
GenasGlory: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -Mahatma Gandhi
PABaileyYork Photos: Hawker Flight (face on) 20120829-IMG_3914
smeert: IMG_7576
Bart Claeys: Pieter De Crem A Baby's First Birthday Cake
Micke-fi: The big jump