Cold Storage: QueLab
JK Brickworks: Mechanical Beaver
andyojones: As you can see, my beautiful Kate enjoyed her first significant outing today, a couple hours walking around the quad to view the aromatic and kaleidoscopic experience that is The Whole Earth Festival. She is feeling stronger every day, though she is still
andyojones: Truman and I both enjoyed trying on $200 hats today. #ucdavis #wholeearthfestival
andyojones: This Davis sunset makes me think of the firmament.
andyojones: A long look down a hallway familiar to UC Davis students of the 1950s. #nostalgia #ucdavis
andyojones: A 45 Year Godfather Reunion!
andyojones: On spring break, Jukie joined his mom and me for lunch today.
andyojones: Transcendent sounds on Picnic Day. #picnicday #ucdavis
andyojones: Jukie turns his back on J. Edgar Hoover, and laughs. #art #fbi #jedgarhoover
andyojones: Untruth in Advertising
andyojones: Sunset Stroll.
Cold Storage: Painted Mini
pure_embers: Time machine!
arbyreed: Vintgage
Gimetzco: alieyums
MainStreetGraphics: Company Business Card
Library Renewal: Cricket Press LR sketches 1
Library Renewal: Cricket Press LR sketches 2
Eleanor.Margaret: Literary quote poster
Eleanor.Margaret: Literary quote poster
Eleanor.Margaret: Literary quote poster
Eleanor.Margaret: Literary quote poster
Eleanor.Margaret: Library poster
Enokson: RETRO POSTER - As the World Changes
askpang: Shields Library
wabisabi2015: library stairs