Alan Wilfahrt: U the letter u
Alan Wilfahrt: u the history of U
Alan Wilfahrt: Head of Urial. (Ovis cycloceros)
Alan Wilfahrt: U Bolt.
Alan Wilfahrt: uhl-lo Pieces of Uhl-lo.
Alan Wilfahrt: uhlan German Uhlan.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ulster.
Alan Wilfahrt: ulu Various Forms of Ulus. 1. An ulu of bone and iron (East Greenland). 2. An ulu with a blade of slate riveted into a handle made of a deer's antler (Norton Sound). 3. An ulu with an iron blade and a composite handle of ivory, antlerm and horn (Pe
Alan Wilfahrt: Umbol (a) of a Rondache of the Carlovingian Period.
Alan Wilfahrt: Umbones (a) of the Ribbed Heart-shell (Cardium costatum).
Alan Wilfahrt: Umbrella of the Anglo=Saxon Period. (From Harleian MS. No 603, in the British Museum, London.)
Alan Wilfahrt: umbrella-bird Head of an Umbrella-bird.
Alan Wilfahrt: umbrella-leaf Flowering Umbrella leaf, the leaf being reduced in size. a, berry; b, the root.
Alan Wilfahrt: Umbrette.
Alan Wilfahrt: umiak Greenland Umiak.
Alan Wilfahrt: Unau and its Young. The common two-toed sloth (Cholopus didactylus) of Brazil.
Alan Wilfahrt: uncia Obverse of an Unica, (About 300 B. C.)
Alan Wilfahrt: uncial 1. Greek Uncial Letters of the 5th Century, from the Codex Alexandrinus… 2. Latin Uncials of about A. D. 700, from the Codex Amiatinus, forming the words et conloquebantur (and they spake together).
Alan Wilfahrt: unconformablility Double Unconformability at Cullen, Banffshire, Scotland. q, quarzite; s, old red sandstone; g, post-tertiary gravels.
Alan Wilfahrt: undercutting Minning Coal by Undercutting. Electic coal-cutter as used in operating low veins.
Alan Wilfahrt: undé Bendlets Undé
Alan Wilfahrt: Unga-puti. The agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis).
Alan Wilfahrt: Ungulate Feet. 1. Hind foot of a horse. 2. Foot of a stag. 3. Left fore foot of the Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). 4. A side view of the hoof of a stag, showing the false hoof (a).
Alan Wilfahrt: unicorn-plant Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit of the Common Unicorn-plant. (Martiynia lousiana)
Alan Wilfahrt: union Flange Pipe-union.
Alan Wilfahrt: Unios. 1. Unio emarginatus. 2. Unio cylindricus. 3. Unio depressus. 4. Unio restus.
Alan Wilfahrt: Unireme. From a Vase. The earlist form of Greek ship, having only one bank of oars.
Alan Wilfahrt: unit Geometric and Mechanicale Units.
Alan Wilfahrt: unit Magnetic and Electrical Units.
Alan Wilfahrt: unit Unit in Practical or Ohm-ampere System.