Alan Wilfahrt:
d "D" in Music.
Alan Wilfahrt:
D the letter d
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
dace European Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dagan or Oannes, the Fish-god. (Layard.)
Alan Wilfahrt:
dagger-moth American Dagger-moth (Apatela americana)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Daggers. 1. German dagger of the 16th century, Soltykoff collection. 2. Moorish dagger of the 15th century, South Kensington Museum.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dags. 1. Wheel-lock dag of time of Elizabeth. 2. Highland firelock dag or "tack."
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dahabiyeh of the Nile.
Alan Wilfahrt:
daisy English Daisy. (Bellis parennis)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dalmatic. Deacon in dalmatic with amice, alb, and maniple. From Lee's "Directorium Angilcanum."
Alan Wilfahrt:
dam English Stone Dam, for Retaining a Water-supply.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Daman. (Hyrax syriacus)
Alan Wilfahrt:
dance Siamese Dancing-girl.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dancetté. Arms of Butler.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dandy-horse. A velocipede.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Danzig Phenomenon.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Daphne. Appollo and Daphine. From the orginal marble group in the Borghese Gallery at Rome.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Darter. (def. 3). (Plotus anhinga)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Dartman of Javelin-man. From a French manuscript, of the year 1480, of Valerius Maximus. (British Museum.)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
dash— – -
Alan Wilfahrt:
dasyure Spotted Dasyure. (Dasyurus maculatus)
Alan Wilfahrt:
date International Date-line.
Alan Wilfahrt:
date The Date-palm. (Phœnix dactyifera) a, a date-tree bearing fruit; b, growth of ripening fruit (dates); c, a single date.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Date-shells (Lithidomus lithophagus).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Daumount with Outrider.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Davy Lamp.