Alan Wilfahrt: A "A" of Charlemagne.
Alan Wilfahrt: A in music
Alan Wilfahrt: A Standard Dictionary of the English Language.
Alan Wilfahrt: a the history of A
Alan Wilfahrt: A the letter a
Alan Wilfahrt: Aardvark Cape Aardvark.
Alan Wilfahrt: Aardwolf. (Proteles lalandi)
Alan Wilfahrt: Abaca. (Musa textilis) a, fruit.
Alan Wilfahrt: aback laid aback Topsails Laid Aback.
Alan Wilfahrt: abacus Forms of the Abacus in Architecture. Greek Doric. Tuscan. Gothic (13th Century). Cointhian. Composite.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abacus, or Chinese Swanpan.
Alan Wilfahrt: abaft the beam
Alan Wilfahrt: Abalone.
Alan Wilfahrt: abased Wings Abased.
Alan Wilfahrt: abatis A Form of Abatis.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris (as it existed before the French Revolution).
Alan Wilfahrt: abbreviation 4. A method of indicating repetition of a note, cord, or arpeggio, or a series of the same, as in the following forms: Written Played
Alan Wilfahrt: Abdominal Regions.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abdominales One of the Abdominales (Cyprinus carpio).
Alan Wilfahrt: Abdominalia One of the Abdominalia (Cyptophialus minutus), with tunic removed, magnified about 17 times: a, a, abdominal limbs. An order or suborder of cirripedia, having limbs on the abdomen only. See cut in next column.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abelia. A genus of sub-tropical shrubs of the honeysuckle family, cultivate as flowering plants. See illus. below.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ablepharus.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abobra. (Abobra viridiflora) a, the fruit.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abolboda.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abolla.
Alan Wilfahrt: Aboma. The ringed boa (Epicrates cenchris), or one of other large tropical Aerican snakes of the family Boidæ. See illustration in next column.
Alan Wilfahrt: abracadabra
Alan Wilfahrt: Abroma angusta.
Alan Wilfahrt: Abrus precatorius, showing abruptly pinnate Leaves and Pod.
Alan Wilfahrt: abscissa