Alan Wilfahrt:
x the history of X
Alan Wilfahrt:
X the letter x
Alan Wilfahrt:
Xanthian Sculpture. Part of Lycian tomb at Xanthus.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Xat of Haida Indians.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Xenurinæ Xenurus unicinctus (Common Cabassou). Compare illus. under ARMADILLO.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Xerus. A genus of African squirrels with long tails and coarse hair; ground-squirrels.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Xylocopa (an American carpenter-bee, Xylocopa virginica), and Nest (a), opened to show cells and eggs.
Alan Wilfahrt:
xylophne Modern Xylophone.
Alan Wilfahrt:
xylophone Primitive African Xylophone — a portable Marimba.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Xyris, the type genus, is made up of the yellow-eyed grasses. Cap-fruited Xyris (Xyris operculata).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yankee Doodle.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yarn-assorter. The skein having been hung on at s, the pointer (p) indicates the number on the graduated arc (a).
Alan Wilfahrt:
yarrow A common perennial herb (Achllea millefolium) of fields and pastures… Flowering Spray of Yarrow. Compare TANSY.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yashmak as Worn by a Native of Egypt.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yaupon. (Ilex vomitoria) a, a flowering branch; b, fruit.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yawl (def. 1) under Lower Sails.
Alan Wilfahrt:
yeast Cells of the Yeast of Beer (Saccharomyces cerevisiæ).
Alan Wilfahrt:
yellow Varieties of Yellow.
Alan Wilfahrt:
yellow-throat Maryland Yellow-throat. (Geothlypis trichas)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yellowhead (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus).
Alan Wilfahrt:
yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs. (Totanus flavipes)
Alan Wilfahrt:
yeoman British Yeoman (modern.)
Alan Wilfahrt:
yew European Yew. f, a single strile catkin; s, a single spray, bearing fruit. (Taxus baccata)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Yucca 1. Flower of Yucca alofolia, showing (a) the Yucca-moth. 2. Mature Pod of Y. angustifolia, showing constrictions resulting from puncture by the yucca-moth and holes for exit of the larvæ.
Alan Wilfahrt:
z the history of Z
Alan Wilfahrt:
Z the letter z
Alan Wilfahrt:
z_end –1916 F&W dictionary
Alan Wilfahrt:
zanze African Zanze. (From a specimen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.)
Alan Wilfahrt:
zarf turkish Zarf.