Alan Wilfahrt: Cushioned Tilt-hammer.
Alan Wilfahrt: Human Tibia. Bones of the right human leg, front view: A, fibula; B, tibia; a, spine; b, styloid process; c, inner tubeosity; d, tubercle; ee, outer malleolus; f, inner malleolus.
Alan Wilfahrt: list showing local times (1916)
Alan Wilfahrt: perique tobacco Roll of Perique Tobacco.
Alan Wilfahrt: riangle Pascal's Triangle.
Alan Wilfahrt: ripods. See def. 1 (1). 1. Ridge. 2. Adjustable.
Alan Wilfahrt: T the history of t
Alan Wilfahrt: t the letter T
Alan Wilfahrt: t_2522-3.jpg
Alan Wilfahrt: t_2550.jpg
Alan Wilfahrt: tabernacle Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Alan Wilfahrt: Tabors. (From an alto-rilievo by Lucca della Robbia.)
Alan Wilfahrt: tabouret 1. Egyptian Tabouret with Leather Seat. 2. Modern Upolstered Tabouret.
Alan Wilfahrt: taclobo (Tridacna gigas) Shell of the Taclobo.
Alan Wilfahrt: Tahgook.
Alan Wilfahrt: Tailflower (Anthurium scherzerianum).
Alan Wilfahrt: Tailor-Bird and Nest.
Alan Wilfahrt: Taj of a Dervish.
Alan Wilfahrt: Takin. (Budorcas taxicolor)
Alan Wilfahrt: talaria Foot of Mercury showing Method of Fastening Talaria. (From a Statue in the Museum at Naples).
Alan Wilfahrt: Talismans. 1. Arabian talisman in human form. 2. Talisman for enabling the wearer to recover lost property
Alan Wilfahrt: tall-boy Dressing-table with a Tall-boy (18th century).
Alan Wilfahrt: tallith Chazan wearing Tallith.
Alan Wilfahrt: tally-stick Corresponding Halves (broken) of a Tally-stick formely used for keeping accounts in the British Exchequer.
Alan Wilfahrt: Tamandua. (Tamandua tetradactyla)
Alan Wilfahrt: Tamanoir. (Myrmecophaga jubata)
Alan Wilfahrt: Tamarind. (Tamarindus indica) a, a flowering spray of the tamarind; b, a flower; c, the pod.
Alan Wilfahrt: tamarisk Flowering Branch of Tamarisk. a, a single flower.
Alan Wilfahrt: Tambourine.
Alan Wilfahrt: tanager Blue-headed Tanager.