Alan Wilfahrt:
"E" in music.
Alan Wilfahrt:
e the heistory of the letter E
Alan Wilfahrt:
E the letter e
Alan Wilfahrt:
eagle 1. Roman Eagle from Trajan's column. 2. Roman Soldier, carrying Standard of his Legion.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
eagles Imperial Eagles.
Alan Wilfahrt:
ear Human Ear. a, helix; b, tragus; c antitragus; d, antihelix; e, lobe. Compare illus. under AUDITORY and OSSILE.
Alan Wilfahrt:
earring Ancient Greek Earring in the Berlin Museum.
Alan Wilfahrt:
earth Statistics of the Earth.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Earth-shadows, as observed in the Antarctic Region Sept. 17, 1908.
Alan Wilfahrt:
earthnut An Earthnut (Cyperus esculentus).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Earthworm. cl, the clitellum.
Alan Wilfahrt:
earwig The Earwig (Forficula auricularis).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Eaves, E, E.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Eccentric. The disk d, is eccentrically fixed by the key, k, to the shaft, s, and rotary movement of the shaft imparts a reciprocating movement to the connections of the collar, c.
Alan Wilfahrt:
echelon Order in Echelon. To advance in the echelon, the base battalion (c) is dsignatd and…
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
Alan Wilfahrt:
edelweiss (Leontopodium leontopodium) The Edelweiss.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Edge-molder. h, h, heads containing planing-irons; p, pulleys for driving-belts; f, table on which t=rests the wood to be worked.
Alan Wilfahrt:
edible Edible Nests of the Salangane (Collocalia esculenta).
Alan Wilfahrt:
eel 1. The Common American Eel (Anguilla rostrata). 2. The Spiny-back Eel (Pitilichys goodet).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Effigy. 14th-century effigy of the Sire de Joinbille, Grand Seneschal of Champagne, in the collegiate church of Joinville, Haute-Marne, France.
Alan Wilfahrt:
egg Longitudinal Section of a Hen's Egg. y, germinal vesicle; yy, yellow food-yoke (the concentric white lines in the yellow yoke are of the same substance); ym, yoke-membrane; a, albume,…
Alan Wilfahrt:
Egg-candling and Packing Machine.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Egg-eater (Dasypeltis caber).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Egg-molding. Examples from: 1. the Campana Collection; 2. the Erechtheum, Athens; 3. Arles Cathedral; 4. Temple of Jupiter, Rome.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Eggplant. (Solanum melongena)
Alan Wilfahrt:
egis Athena Promachos of Phidias wearing the Egis. In the Parthenopean Museum, Naples.
Alan Wilfahrt:
egret The Great White Egret (Ardea egretta).