Alan Wilfahrt: history of O the letter o
Alan Wilfahrt: O the letter o
Alan Wilfahrt: Oannes.
Alan Wilfahrt: Obcordate Leaflets of the Common Wood-sorrel.
Alan Wilfahrt: Obelisk "Cleopatra's Needle" in Central Park, New York.
Alan Wilfahrt: Obi, as worn by a Japanese dancer.
Alan Wilfahrt: Oblanceolate Leaf.
Alan Wilfahrt: Oblique Leaf of Begonia.
Alan Wilfahrt: obol Half-obol of Athens.
Alan Wilfahrt: Obovate Leaves.
Alan Wilfahrt: Obsidian Microstructure of Porphyritic Obsidian.
Alan Wilfahrt: Obtected Pupa of Sphinx ligustri.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ocarina.
Alan Wilfahrt: Occipital Bone.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ocean. Sir John Murray estimates of area and depths
Alan Wilfahrt: Ocelot. (Felis pardalis)
Alan Wilfahrt: Octagonal Coin. A, obverse: B, reverse.
Alan Wilfahrt: Octandria Example of the Octandria; Flower of a Heath.
Alan Wilfahrt: Octastyle Temple. Plan of the Parthenon.
Alan Wilfahrt: Octopus Eight-armed Octopus.
Alan Wilfahrt: Odometer Attached to a Wagon-wheel.
Alan Wilfahrt: Odontophores Teeth from Odontophores.
Alan Wilfahrt: Odontoscope. g, gag; m, mirror; l, electric light.
Alan Wilfahrt: Offset Pipe-coupling.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ogee.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ogham Alphabet.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ogives. 1. Equilateral. 2. Obtuse. 3. Lancet. 4. Moorish.
Alan Wilfahrt: Oil-press.
Alan Wilfahrt: Oil-well Rig.