Alan Wilfahrt:
Kylix Type of Kylix.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kyee-wain, showing the manner of playing.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Koto Japanese Woman Playing the Koto. (From a native drawing.)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kreutzer of the Duchy of Baden.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kris Malay Kris and Sheath.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Krishna Nursed by Devaki (Moor "Hindu Pantheon.")
Alan Wilfahrt:
Koodoo. (Strepsiceros kudu)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kop-kops as an ear-ornament.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kosher Seals of Lead, used in Jewish meat-markets in New York.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Koala. (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kobolds, or Gnomes. foklore
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kobolds, or Gnomes.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Knots Different Forms of Knots.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Knights Badge or Device of the Knights of Labor.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Knight's Tour.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Klipspringer. (Oreotragus saltator)
Alan Wilfahrt:
Knapsack (U .S. Artillery).
Alan Wilfahrt:
knee Ships' Knees. 1. Wooden knee, showing bolts. 2. Standard iron knees.
Alan Wilfahrt:
kite Box Kite.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kiva at Nambe, N. M.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kite The Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus).
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kiosk of United States Weather Bureau.
Alan Wilfahrt:
Kirombo. (Leptosomus discolor)