Alan Wilfahrt: "F" in Music.
Alan Wilfahrt: f the history of the letter F
Alan Wilfahrt: F the leter f
Alan Wilfahrt: Face of Type. A, counter; B, hair-line; C C C, serif; D D, stem, or body-mark; E E E, neck or beard; F, shoulder; G, pin-mark; H, nick; I, groove; J J, feet.
Alan Wilfahrt: Face-guards, or Masks. 1. Fencing. 2. Baseball.
Alan Wilfahrt: Facets of an Insect's Eye. 1. Compound or faceted eyes of a horse-fly. 2. Hexagonal facets of one of these eyes, magnified. 3. Vertical section of the eye, showing structure.
Alan Wilfahrt: fagot Peasant Carrying a Fagot.
Alan Wilfahrt: Faience. Cider-pitcher in the Museum of Cluny.
Alan Wilfahrt: faille 1. An18th-century Abbess with Faille and in Outdoor Dress. 2. A Sister of the Beguin Convent at Ghent, wearing the Faille. (Hallman "Origine des Beguins Belges.")
Alan Wilfahrt: fair The Horse-fair, after a painting by Rosa Bonheur, in Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York.
Alan Wilfahrt: fakir A Hindu Fakir Burdened with Chains.
Alan Wilfahrt: falchion Warrior with Falchion of the 15 Century.
Alan Wilfahrt: Falcon Great-footed Falcon, or Duck-hawk. (Falco peregrinus auantum) a, falconine type of beak of the sparrow-hawk.
Alan Wilfahrt: Faldstool.
Alan Wilfahrt: Fallfish. (Semotilus bullaris)
Alan Wilfahrt: Falling-band, as worn by Oliver Cromwell. From the Rich portrait in the British Museum.
Alan Wilfahrt: Fallow Deer (Cervus dama) 1. Fallow Deer. 2. Growth of antlers: a, 2d year, of a dag or pricket; b, 3d year, of a sorel; c, 4th year, of buck; d, 5th year, (adult), of a buck of the first head.
Alan Wilfahrt: fame Hall of Fame, New York University. Memorial Tablet of Horace Mann.
Alan Wilfahrt: fame Hall of Fame, New York University. Teachers' Section.
Alan Wilfahrt: Fan-blower. a, fan-blades; b, pulley; c, casing; d, outlet
Alan Wilfahrt: Fan-tailed Flycatcher. (genus Rhipidura )
Alan Wilfahrt: fandango Spaniards Dancing the Fandango.
Alan Wilfahrt: fangs Viper's Mouth showing Fangs (a).
Alan Wilfahrt: Fangs. 1. Fang of a rattlesnake and accompanying bones: f, fang; a, external pterygoid; b, internal pterygoid; c, palatal;…
Alan Wilfahrt: Fans. 1.Aincient Mexican fan: after a bas-relief. 2. An Egyptian fan of the period of King Horus, 1657 B. C. 3. Etruscan fan: after decoration of a vase in the Louvre. 4. 18th-century fan: attributedto Watteau.
Alan Wilfahrt: Faradic Machine. a, movable contact for battery; b, movable core for varying strength of coil; c, vibrating contact spring; d, battery case; e, handles.
Alan Wilfahrt: Farda Mollah wearing Farda.
Alan Wilfahrt: Fare-box Section of a Fare-box.
Alan Wilfahrt: Faro A Faro Layout. 1. Arrangement of cards on the table. 2. The dealer's box. The springs in the box hold the cards against th eaperature in the top, and they are dealt, one at a time, from the open side.
Alan Wilfahrt: Farthing An Irish Farthing of James I.