Alan Wilfahrt: "G" in Music.
Alan Wilfahrt: G the letter g
Alan Wilfahrt: gabardine An Italian Israelite of the 14th Century in his "Jewish Gabardine." (After a picture by Sano di Pietro.)
Alan Wilfahrt: Gabions in the Forifications of Strassburg, 1870–1871 .
Alan Wilfahrt: Gables. 1. Gables of a house at Caen, France. 2. Gable of the Cathedral of Seville, Spain.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gadfly (Tabanus lineola).
Alan Wilfahrt: Gadwall. (Anas strepera)
Alan Wilfahrt: gaff Fishing-gaff of the Best Form.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gages. 1. Mortising-gage. 2. Sheet-metal gage. 3. Gage for determining screw-pitches. 4. Gage for setting clapboards.
Alan Wilfahrt: Galago. (Galago senegalensis)
Alan Wilfahrt: Galeate Upper Sepal (a) of the Flower of a Monk's-hood.
Alan Wilfahrt: Galena Crystals of Galena (Galenitte).
Alan Wilfahrt: Galerus Woman of Ancient Rome wearing Galerum.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gall-fly (Cynips quercusinanis) and Oak-galls.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gall-moth (Gelechia pinifolia).
Alan Wilfahrt: Galleass Venetian Galleass of 1690.
Alan Wilfahrt: galleon English Galleon of the 16th Century. (From a model in the Greenwich Naval Museum, Eng.)
Alan Wilfahrt: galley Modern (1800–1825) Galley of the Mediterranean.
Alan Wilfahrt: Galley Printers' Galley. Locked at the end and side.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gallinae Typical Head and Spurred Foot of a Galline Bird.
Alan Wilfahrt: gallinule Purple Gallinule. (Gallinula galeata)
Alan Wilfahrt: gallowglass Two Irish Gallowglasses. (From an original 16th century drawing in the Bodleian Library.
Alan Wilfahrt: Galvanometer Tangent galvanometer. c, electric coil; n, magnetic needle; w, wires carring electric current.
Alan Wilfahrt: Galvanometer. 1. Fleming alternating-current disk-galvanometer. 2. Oscillation coil: a, disk of silvered paper suspended by quarts fiber and deflected by oscillations sent through coil: b, wire winding of coil.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gambeson Man-at-arms Wearing a Quilted Gamberson. (End of 14th century.)
Alan Wilfahrt: Gamopetalous Corolia and Gamosepalous Calyx Flower of Tobacco with - (a)…
Alan Wilfahrt: Gamut of Guido d'Arezzo.
Alan Wilfahrt: Ganesa.
Alan Wilfahrt: gangilon Small Ganglion from the Bladder of a Rabbit.
Alan Wilfahrt: Gangilon-cells. 1. Bipolar cell from the anterior horn of the spinal cord of a pike. 2. Bipolar cell from…