delayed gratification: Rising moon over Hebron
delayed gratification: Wheat harvest, West Bank
delayed gratification: Bethlehem Checkpoint
delayed gratification: Jaudi's family serves lunch
delayed gratification: Palestinian boy with baby goat
delayed gratification: Rainbow, Palestine
delayed gratification: Family from Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Bethlehem
mr_yalla1: Arbitrary detention 1 (Tel Rumeida)
delayed gratification: Working on my "crane kick"
delayed gratification: Woman with children, one sick, forced to wait at Israeli checkpoint
delayed gratification: Palestinian girls in new clothes from Eid al-Fitr
delayed gratification: Sunset near Tuba Village, South Hebron Hills
delayed gratification: Susiya, Palestine: Woman by her demolished house
delayed gratification: Susiya, Palestine: Demolished home
delayed gratification: Susiya olive trees destroyed by Israeli settlers
delayed gratification: Afternoon downtime in at-Tuwani
delayed gratification: A little help from my friends
delayed gratification: Boy in at-Tuwani, Palestine
delayed gratification: Morning school patrol in At-Tuwani, Palestine
delayed gratification: Shepherds in at-Tuwani, Palestine
jadallah: Dome of the Rock Exterior, Haram esh-Sharif, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine
hazy jenius: Going up, Coming Down
hazy jenius: Outlaws
dynamosquito: Guidance
HORIZON: Abyaneh/ Women
soydetkt: photos