hooray_j: Sardine
hooray_j: Spareribs
hooray_j: Macau Fireworks
hooray_j: Fireworks Competition
hooray_j: Fireworks Competition
hooray_j: Macau Grand Prix
hooray_j: Macau GP
hooray_j: Ruins of St. Paul's
hooray_j: St. Paul's Cathedral
hooray_j: St. Paul's Cathedral
hooray_j: from the behind
hooray_j: view from the ruins of St. Paul's
hooray_j: Old & New
hooray_j: from the window
hooray_j: view from St. Paul's
hooray_j: P1070393a
hooray_j: Travessa de S. Paulo
hooray_j: The Venetian Suite
hooray_j: Dresser
hooray_j: Bathroom
hooray_j: Sunken Living Room
hooray_j: Canopy-draped
hooray_j: Margaret's Café e Nata
hooray_j: Pastel de Nata
hooray_j: Curry Chicken
hooray_j: Seafood Risotto
hooray_j: Restaurant ESCADA
hooray_j: Restaurante Fernando
hooray_j: Restaurant in Macau !
hooray_j: P1160600a