phamthuthuy_19: Tết của em
Lens Bubbles: Tulips in Evening Sun
malik.anuj: Squirrel
phamthuthuy_19: IMG_6760-2
Ryan Kimball: Reversed
Theodor Hensolt: morning hour
Photos-Change-The-World: Lovers on the Seine bank, Paris 2014
Photos-Change-The-World: Dancing and jumping in the street, Paris 2014
Photos-Change-The-World: Nun returning from Eiffel Tower, Paris 2014
Xu@EVIL Cameras: Topcon RE Topcor 85mm f1.8 Exakta P1230882
jore0902: 20140719
jeiocampo: WIRED
hengkeongsiew: Impact, Thailand
De l'autre côté du mirOir...: La passerelle ..."explorer.."
tayyaba 81: “Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” ― Dave Pelzer, A Child Called "It"
Rey//Scue: DreamTeam
Rey//Scue: BestSundaySmile
mavparadeza: Where art thou?
mavparadeza: Most comforting arms
phamthuthuy_19: IMG_3624