honeybeararmy: My men ♥
honeybeararmy: Very high up in the conference center!
honeybeararmy: Me and Karen at the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert!
honeybeararmy: Yum yum yum
honeybeararmy: Biggest peach I've ever seen!
honeybeararmy: ALL THE FINGERS!
honeybeararmy: 1229111204a.jpg
honeybeararmy: 1114111633.jpg
honeybeararmy: Bruise on right foot
honeybeararmy: Thomas
honeybeararmy: People don't believe me when I say I have wide hips...
honeybeararmy: My sister's fiance, Mike, in the Doctor Who Season 16 scarf I knit for my sister
honeybeararmy: My sister next to the TARDIS, in the season 16 scarf I knit for her <3
honeybeararmy: 0730112350.jpg
honeybeararmy: Left ear, 6g
honeybeararmy: Right ear, 6g
honeybeararmy: Fluffy egggggssss
honeybeararmy: Sheep ties! Flamingo ties!
honeybeararmy: Jellyfish Dye Blob
honeybeararmy: Slytherin Scarf, Blurry
honeybeararmy: Lake Cayuga
honeybeararmy: I miss this view in the summer. Rte 13, Ithaca or Newfield NY
honeybeararmy: Wavy scarf, Irish Wristwarmers
honeybeararmy: Irish Hiking Wristwarmers
honeybeararmy: I knit this for one of my besties, Jason the Red. It is a full scarf, if short.
honeybeararmy: Thomas is being Helpful
honeybeararmy: Modified Forecast
honeybeararmy: This will be a Cowl. When I get back to knitting it. Bulky yarn is hard to work with.
honeybeararmy: Doctor Who Season 16 Scarf, current progress
honeybeararmy: 1/3 done Vivian