hommedeterre: DSCN0332.JPG
hommedeterre: DSCN0331.JPG
hommedeterre: "Look who I met!"
hommedeterre: Math in sale
hommedeterre: Belly dancer w/ James
hommedeterre: Belly dancer w/ James
hommedeterre: Belly dancer w/ old man
hommedeterre: Belly dancer w/ old man
hommedeterre: Belly dancer w/ old man
hommedeterre: Belly dancer w/ old man
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: At the bean
hommedeterre: Chanukah day 7
hommedeterre: Pigeons!
hommedeterre: Meek in Chicago
hommedeterre: Dancing at the Mexican club
hommedeterre: Dancing at the Mexican club
hommedeterre: Goodbye
hommedeterre: Group shot