Marser: fight against my finger (Umenomiya-shrine, Kyoto)
Steve the HongKonger: Please save Hong Kong, and tell as many people as you can
♪ 突然覺得好真實: Bicycle life / 單車生活 #18
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 少了一個女孩在畫面的中間
fangchun15: *soothing
♪ 突然覺得好真實: 工地辦公室
fangchun15: *girl's talk
yeeship: 。給Dear F的信
Marser: lives by Kamogawa #57 (Kyoto)
yokko..: 端午の節句
Takafumi Goto: can still see the light #4
torode: Ahh...
FarTripper: A Poem │ 一首詩
anthony samaniego: the straw that...
♪ 突然覺得好真實: Cherished moments
chant0m0: テレ金
conago1: 可愛的花環
Kimberly Chorney: Afternoon Light + Vintage Bike = LOVE
Thomas Frost Jensen: Uphill walk
「下次,我們都會笑得更燦爛。」: 我們跟青春,還是有那麼一點點關係。
Toyokazu: Stalker(ストーカー)
kajico**: 199