jammy!: P1190705
jammy!: P1190702
jammy!: P1190691
jammy!: P1190687
jammy!: P1190650
jammy!: P1190646
jammy!: P1190644
jammy!: P1190680
jammy!: P1190677
jammy!: P1190669
jammy!: P1190585
jammy!: P1190584
jammy!: P1190583
jammy!: P1190582
jammy!: DSCF7007
jammy!: P1180835.JPG
jammy!: P1180832.JPG
jammy!: textile trader room
jammy!: bobbins & thread
jammy!: so many spools
jammy!: dress that changed colors when you stood near it - 3
jammy!: dress that changed colors when you stood near it - 2
jammy!: dress that changed colors when you stood near it - 1
jammy!: madder roots
jammy!: dye powders
jammy!: dye powders
jammy!: indigo case
jammy!: only a factory boy... winning a name for himself!
jammy!: american textile museum
jammy!: union tags, cards & employee handbook