komehachi888: smily weekend
komehachi888: have a nice weekend!!
komehachi888: silly sleeping dog...XD
komehachi888: nothing to do in a rainy day
komehachi888: wish you all a happy weekend
komehachi888: wish you all a happy weekend!
komehachi888: in memory of Pitan
komehachi888: companion
komehachi888: round tongue U
komehachi888: een mens lijdt dikwijls het meest door het lijden dat hij vreest
John&Fish: #916 黑鵯棉荊
John&Fish: #896 白翁排綵
Megan Lorenz: Watching You...Watching Me
komehachi888: the face
John&Fish: #883 小綠三瞄
myu-myu: Momiji
Coco Cake Land: raspberry-buttercream-cake
John&Fish: #873 小綠曦耍
komehachi888: she is expressing something with mouth water....^^
komehachi888: give me foooood!
John&Fish: #847 灰喉好逑
John&Fish: #843 黃鴝攫紅
komehachi888: hey!
komehachi888: playing time
John&Fish: #833 小綠天荒
John&Fish: #829 冠羽相眺
kdee64: Swallows in a Snow Storm