miketonge: Eskdale amphitheatre!
miketonge: A pause for breath!
miketonge: Bend to the Barn.
miketonge: Out of the Blue.
miketonge: To Tryfan.
miketonge: The Yellow Wall.
miketonge: Garsdale Gold.
miketonge: HS2 ?
miketonge: Muker's Meadows.
miketonge: High Stile.
miketonge: Romanesque Ramble.
miketonge: Summit Sun.
miketonge: A break in the Cricket!
miketonge: Nuclear Outflow.
miketonge: Allium Alleyway.
miketonge: Harbour Hardship.
miketonge: A fleeting glimpse of Summer!
miketonge: The last dredge!
miketonge: Weir in the woods.
miketonge: Ending of Days.
miketonge: "I guess that's why they call it the Blues"
miketonge: Woodland glade.
miketonge: A white wood wonder.
miketonge: Ramson Ramble.
miketonge: Coastal Textures.
miketonge: Watching the light.
miketonge: The Karst Kraken.
miketonge: Force Gill Falls.
miketonge: Skip in the woods!
miketonge: Spring on the Barrow's