[rkphoto]: 1/12 Guinness
sgv cats and dogs: Unreal - 4|52 wfnd
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): 04-52 Eva: ten years later
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): 04-52 Fred: grainy portrait
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Sometimes umbrellas are for sunny days 4/52
frau_k: 4/52 cuddle time
corbiess - Karren: 4/12 Freddy & Gertie
dac_colorado: 4/52 - Dunkel on a cold winter day
janecumming33: 4/52 - Minty - The Pounce
Pixelkids: Vampire look
neurosheep: 4/52 ... between the reeds ...
dac_colorado: 4/52 - A pop of color
dac_colorado: 3/52 - it's so hard being me
sgv cats and dogs: 3|52 weeks of Tsingtao - That look...
sgv cats and dogs: 3|52 weeks of Tonkatsu - Bathroom patroller
RvL83: 3/52 Kleptomanrador
sure2talk: cosy cowl 3/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 3/52 Norman is my “giant” poodle
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 3/52 Owen is in sync with Audrey
frau_k: 2/52 Buba
sure2talk: sound healing 2/52
Pixelkids: Gaia
Boered: Foxy 2/52
ruthinea: 2/52 Look Ma, I can fly!
sgv cats and dogs: 2|52 weeks of Tsingtao - Baptised
Pixelkids: Harry
Jasper's Human: Hit by a Splash of Color! (2/52)
sure2talk: asleep on a sunbeam 2/52
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): 2-52 Fred: "leave it"
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): 2-52 Eva: just the top of her