Hodgey: 1/52/2023 Cardiinal in Winter
Hodgey: 2/52/2023 January Johnny Jump Up_
Hodgey: 3/52/2023 River otter on the run
Hodgey: 4/52/2023 Winter stream
Hodgey: 5/52/2023 Prepare to be boarded
Hodgey: 6/52/2023 Apple tree and the snow fog
Hodgey: 7_52_2023 A Crow Morning
Hodgey: 8/52/2023 Male Hooded Mergansers
Hodgey: 9/52/2023 After the storm
Hodgey: 10-/52/2023 Itsy. bitsy, teeny tiny squirrel prints. in snow
Hodgey: 11/52/2023 Immature Bald Eagle_
Hodgey: 12/52/2023 Gaggle of geese_
Hodgey: 13/52/2023 The colors of Maine
Hodgey: 14/52/2023 River magic
Hodgey: 15/52/2023 Suki's playground
Hodgey: 16/52/2023 First snake of spring
Hodgey: 17/52/2023 Lobster. boats. in Whiting Bay
Hodgey: 18/52/2023 Spring River
Hodgey: 19/52/2023 We call him Guy Smiley
Hodgey: 20/52/2023 Awakening_
Hodgey: 21/52/2023 The stages of a dandelion
Hodgey: 22/52/2023 Reflections of a summer cottage
Hodgey: 23-52-2023 Maine is Vacationland
Hodgey: 24/52/2023 Blue Flags
Hodgey: 25/52/2023 Baby turkey
Hodgey: 26/52/2023 Cedar waxwing
Hodgey: 27/52/2023 Baby skunk
Hodgey: 28/52/2023 Birdseed thief_
Hodgey: 29/52/2023 Fog drip
Hodgey: 30/52/2023 A look at the udder side_