hoc maxime sugit: Fish out of water.
hoc maxime sugit: Sleeping Padawan
hoc maxime sugit: Lower Water St
hoc maxime sugit: Snowy Tree, 3
hoc maxime sugit: Snowy Tree, 2
hoc maxime sugit: Snowy Tree, 1
hoc maxime sugit: Hummingbird
hoc maxime sugit: Hummingbird - translucent wings
hoc maxime sugit: Bird is the word.
hoc maxime sugit: Downing's Beach, Cassie Cape, NB
hoc maxime sugit: Farmland near Ottawa, ON
hoc maxime sugit: Quilty Pastures
hoc maxime sugit: King's Wharf
hoc maxime sugit: Alderney Park
hoc maxime sugit: Magnolias
hoc maxime sugit: I'd Rather Be Sailing
hoc maxime sugit: Post-hipster photo