hmrpita: Cut off your schlossen
hmrpita: On the way to Yosemite
hmrpita: Typical Central Valley town
hmrpita: Sunroof
hmrpita: Oakdale Cowboy Museum and RR crossing
hmrpita: The Big Valley
hmrpita: Trio of Sunglasses
hmrpita: Close-up reflection
hmrpita: Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
hmrpita: Take the water from its source
hmrpita: Blurry deer
hmrpita: Yosemite entrance
hmrpita: Pure as the driven snow
hmrpita: Snowy forest
hmrpita: View from the side window
hmrpita: Trees and snow
hmrpita: Half Dome from outside the valley
hmrpita: Tunnel
hmrpita: The light at the end of the tunnel
hmrpita: Nuclear blast
hmrpita: Mr. Sun and Monsieur Tree
hmrpita: Decisions, decisions
hmrpita: Upper & Lower Yosemite Falls
hmrpita: Helpful information
hmrpita: Lower Yosemite Falls
hmrpita: Merced River
hmrpita: First coyote
hmrpita: Shortstop
hmrpita: Tallstop
hmrpita: Looky there