hmrpita: Critical Mass 9-27-13
hmrpita: I love our new Victorian champagne flutes. Thank you, Goodwill!
hmrpita: "They don't call it Mr. Buttplug for nothing." --@r_giskard.
hmrpita: foldy pancakes
hmrpita: Close up of ocean from the dunes
hmrpita: Ocean from the dunes
hmrpita: Evacuation site
hmrpita: Evacuation site sign
hmrpita: Evacuation route
hmrpita: Christmas tacos
hmrpita: Christmas 2010
hmrpita: ack
hmrpita: ozy the photographer
hmrpita: pointy wedding guests
hmrpita: wedding guests
hmrpita: presenting my wife!
hmrpita: ooh look, cake being cut
hmrpita: gonna cut the cake
hmrpita: cake will be cut
hmrpita: Look what I won!
hmrpita: Four month old birthday girl
hmrpita: Foot Shenanigans
hmrpita: American brownies, Japanese cup, English tea
hmrpita: A Red professional Kitchen-Aid mixer
hmrpita: Murphy bed
hmrpita: I love my room at Kristen's house
hmrpita: Nose Licker
hmrpita: Whut
hmrpita: Silk Spectre II
hmrpita: Silk Spectre II