chrisdpyrah: Judd Trump caricature (2)
Let there be light (A.J. McCullough): Young Little Blue Heron
Malcolm Benn: Harris's Hawk_F4A1347 Whooping Cranes - Texas
billkominsky : R.S.H. / Snake Lunch )
lucyyost91: eagle-DSC01126
lucyyost91: kestrel-DSC01332-Enhanced-NR
beachwalker2007: Harris Hawk
ML-Bath: _DSC1191.jpg
jvverde: Striated Pardalote // Pardalote-estriado
USDAgov: 20141104-OSEC-LSC-0122
Jury Rig: galli4
Ned Harris: _U6A9271 Adult female Northern Harrier
Ned Harris: _U6A9288 Adult female Northern Harrier
Bárbol: Ischyodus quendstedti
Ned Harris: _U6A9120 Adult Female Northern Harrier
billkominsky : Yellow Crown Night Heron ( Fly-By )
Bill.Thompson: Red-breasted Nuthatch
djmcneil67: Purple Gallinule
Don Delaney: Great Gray Owl Crossing the Road
Bárbol: Iris pallida (8-5-10 Verdecora)
billkominsky : Osprey W/ Headless Gar
BN Singh: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Glenn Bartley - Australasian Figbird (Sphecotheres vieilloti)
Vladimir Vulf: DSC00393
Bill Adams: Did The Deed
Ned Harris: _U6A1780 Adult Prairie Falcon
Bárbol: Indicator indicator (27-7-19 Harvard MNH)