hmclin: Pectoral sandpiper
hmclin: Pectoral sandpiper
hmclin: Pectoral sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper Pond Restoration of Wetlands and Coastal Habitat Plaque
hmclin: Sandpiper Trail
hmclin: Sandpiper Trail
hmclin: George, Stacy, and Gail
hmclin: Possible wood sandpiper?
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Solitary sandpiper?
hmclin: Spotted sandpiper
hmclin: Spotted sandpiper
hmclin: Spotted sandpiper
hmclin: Gulls, herons, terns, egrets and ducks. Probably sandpipers, too.
hmclin: Spotted sandpiper hop
hmclin: Spotted sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpiper
hmclin: Pectoral sandpiper and American golden-plover
hmclin: Pectoral sandpiper
hmclin: Least sandpiper
hmclin: Sandpipers and great blue heron
hmclin: Killdeer
hmclin: Least Sandpiper