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albums of Hong Kong Maritime Museum
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East Meets West: Maritime Silk Routes in the 13th - 18th Centuries Exhibition
NAUTIC QUEST Official Launch
Tara Expéditions visiting Hong Kong
HKMM Fundraising Dinner 2018
Water in the Balance Exhibition
The Silver Age: Origins and Trade of Chinese Export Silve
Recent Acquisition
On Sharks and Humanity Exhibition
Pirates of the South China Sea: Chasing Cheung Po Tsai and the Port Cities
HKMM Fundraising Dinner 2016
Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016
Lee Fook Chee’s Photographs Exhibition
17th International Congress of Maritime Museums
In the Midst of a Storm: Hong Kong’s Early Typhoons
Day of Seafarer
Coral Exhibition
Alexander Hume Scroll Painting
KM Koo Ship Bridge Simulator
Sørlandet Launch Events (21 June 2016)
IMD 2015
Opening Night of the Ocean in Motion Film Festival @ HKMM
Dukling Historical Exhibition
Made in Hong Kong: Our City. Our Stories Exhibition Thank You Reception
Made in Hong Kong: Our City. Our Stories Exhibition Opening Ceremony Highlights
7th Fleet Band of US Navy Woodwind Quintet and Brass Quintet Performance
Friends of HKMM "Made in Hong Kong: Our City. Our Stories" Exhibition Private Viewing
Made in Hong Kong: Our City. Our Stories
"Made in Hong Kong. Our City. Our Stories." Exhibition Blessing Ceremony
Bloomberg TV Shooting
Vienna Boys Choir Visit on 13 Oct 2014
Hongkong International Terminals Visit on 31 Jan 2015
「你還記得嗎?」Do you remember?
Poster workshop - August 18, 2013
High quality press photos
Highlights from the Galleries
八號碼頭工程進度 - Pier 8 Progress
Heering Collection of Photographs
Coins and Stamps
Gouache and Watercolours
專題展覽廳 - Special Exhibitions Gallery
香港船隻、造船廠和航海人員 - Hong Kong Ships, Shipyards and Seafarers
維多利亞港觀賞廊 - Victoria Harbour Viewing Gallery
大海之音 - Sounds of the Sea
尋找航道 - Finding the Way
海上通訊 - Sea Talk
海底世界 - The Underwater World
海上消閒活動- Fun on the Water
客運 - Carrying People
保衛及支援航海人員 - Protecting and Assisting the Mariner
為珠江三角洲創建現代化港口 - The Creation of a Modern Port for the Pearl River Delta
現代香港初成 (1841年至1945年) - The Founding of Modern Hong Kong 1841-1941
中國海域的海盜 - Piracy in the China Seas
耆英號開拓新航程- The Pioneering Voyage of the Keying
廣州與歐美各國的海上貿易 - The Canton Trade with Europe and the Americas
中國海事文化 China`s Maritime Heritage
明信片- Postcards
Charts and Maps
Sporting Boats
Passenger Ships
Ancient Vessels
Tall Ships
服裝 - Clothing
模型 - Models
航海儀器 - Nautical Instruments
繪畫 - Paintings
陶瓷 - Ceramics
版畫 - Prints
攝影 - Photography
八號碼頭設計概念圖 - Pier 8 Concept Drawings
Hongkong Whampoa Dockyards Collection