ryantatar: 000046220003
rabitcai130: 福卡
azzzz_life: Coffee time
Roo Lewis: || IGWT. ||
aeomaster32: South Pacific 1977. Pentax MX, M50/1.7, Kodachrome
kylesipple☬: My View.
kylesipple☬: Morning Visitor.
common sayings: Jeju Island
manyfires: wander in wonder
-=.H.T.=-: Portugal, Lissabon, Paróquia de São Vicente de Fora
Laura .~: Oh, we're sinking like stones
Teófilo de Sales: vaticano, março 2014
Parowan496: "Highway to Heaven" ... thanks ever so much for over 150,000 views and 2,000 faves for this image.