deb christensen / dye~ing to be yours: i will carry this moment with me all day today.
Marl1's Images: 9 moments...n
theablossoms: appreciation unexpected
Deb Did It: Still warm. #28moments { free range neighbors }
megaPegster: A moment of sweet sin
Deb Did It: I love my kitchen window #barkcloth #vintageglass #28moments
megaPegster: Lazy Saturday mornings are too brief a moment
Meredith G.: Wine at the beach
deb christensen / dye~ing to be yours: a very rare moment in many ways...
Deb Did It: Eggplant, salt, fresh maters, Merlot { eggplant Parmesan is happening } #28moments
megaPegster: Fresh finish
Krapprotdunkel: 28 Moments | Food | Reflections
Meredith G.: Summer Bounty
Meredith G.: 28moments breakfast
{ faith }: 1.2:28 moments (explored)
Marl1's Images: After Breakfast
sonnenfeldt: 28 moments day 2
deb christensen / dye~ing to be yours: this was a chance meeting in our back woods.just a quiet quick walk before getting on with what had to be done.then, bam!the day can wait, i'm getting my bucket.
Deb Did It: My friend has a papaya tree that is very generous ! { the friend and her tree both so generous! } So I freeze some for smoothies and this makes me so happy! #28moments
theablossoms: 28 Moments
Deb Did It: Afternoon snack #28moments
Krapprotdunkel: 28 moments | Food | Contrasts
Marl1's Images: "Dinner" tonight, semi healthy. Appreciate that my husband makes this for me. #28moments
Deb Did It: Good morning #28moments