yeeship: SONY NEX 夢幻的疆界
Sprengben: Cherry Blossom
yu+ichiro: blue and green
yu+ichiro: reflection of oneself
hanacox: story*
hanacox: ちいさな恋*
ShanLuPhoto: On top of the world, choose love .
**emilie**: 008509-CNV000001
yu+ichiro: smell of autumn
yu+ichiro: throuh the lens
yu+ichiro: miles and miles
yu+ichiro: fly high
yu+ichiro: scramble
yu+ichiro: Tokyo drops
yu+ichiro: alone
yu+ichiro: a restless mind
yu+ichiro: summer breeze
yu+ichiro: One Summer's Day
yeeship: 後來,我們都在看著風車轉動的規律,著迷了。
japhy2009: chalk
yeeship: 你影我影你
yeeship: i love mini flowers
yeeship: SOS
yeeship: 愛拍夏天
yeeship: sansaku in a rainy day
yeeship: Tower
yeeship: Together
yeeship: pure
yeeship: Merry-go-round 旋轉木馬。關於回憶。童年。愛情