eliot.: 〈窗外的天光,房裡的憂傷〉
Just A Stray Cat: Swan feet
Just A Stray Cat: I'm the bitch you hated
jean-christophe sartoris: If you are still interested in my head, it’s yours. I’m tired of it
jean-christophe sartoris: I'm not doing anything, I'm just taking care of my own self...
neamoscou: r e d u c e d i n t e r a c t i o n s w i t h s u r r o u n d i n g s
eliot.: 〈Blue Bottle Coffee〉
eliot.: 〈紅眼眶〉
esther man: 寧靜。
esther man: 光 暗
esther man: 46920039-1
Tina Sosna: The world looks red
jean-christophe sartoris: I wanted to jump and I woke up in your garage.
Kelly Marciano: Strange Dreams
Marine Beccarelli: Col de Coux, juin 2015
trom.pom: Андрюша / Terrapin Boy