The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 62 of "Songs of the Master's Love [With illuminated initial letters, etc.]"
Grey.Go.Ree: A day never forgotten
Lalalian: the way evening light through this window makes the otherwise drab garden look like an impressionist painting... #grateful30
Grey.Go.Ree: I'll call you Dave...
rmarvin4095: 303A7487.jpg
Si 558: Tardar Sauce give her Verdict on the 'New' Flickr
‎M: Flickr
aldoaldoz: The Dark Side of the Loom - first version
TM - the crocheteer!: Virkad blomstervas!
TM - the crocheteer!: Vårligt underlägg!
drewwaters: Chicken Coop
Kit Lane: Pungkin