JRH70: Alley leading to an adult establishment, Pontocho
JRH70: Space Invader glimpsed from afar
JRH70: Bins
JRH70: Blossom alley
JRH70: Meshi
JRH70: Searching for Yasaka no To
JRH70: Ponto-cho alleyway
JRH70: Ponto-cho
JRH70: Mysterious Ponto-cho alley
JRH70: Alleyway
JRH70: Number 8
JRH70: Keeping the alley neat
JRH70: Alleyway
JRH70: Cat alley
JRH70: Nasty Stairwell
JRH70: After the rain
JRH70: Little Titchfield alley
JRH70: Seedy Soho Side Street
JRH70: Wardour Street passageway
JRH70: Curious alleyway
JRH70: The alleyway to our house
JRH70: Fishmonger Blur
JRH70: Crowded passageway
JRH70: Alleyway
JRH70: Around Kitano-Cho
JRH70: Around Kitano-Cho
JRH70: Around Kitano-Cho
JRH70: Around Kitano-Cho