Hez!: Immature poppies
Hez!: I say this counts as landscaping.
Hez!: IMG_3341CB
Hez!: NYC a few hours before Sandy hit
Hez!: In-flight ginger ale on a tablet.
Hez!: #FLCL sighting
Hez!: Some emo-ish carnage found just outside of work.
Hez!: I love tiny little moss leaves.
Hez!: Kind of obsessed with spider mums
Hez!: This is why I have heartburn.
Hez!: Drooler
Hez!: Made a new friend on my way to take out the trash.
Hez!: Camera Awesome test shot
Hez!: Still unimpressed.
Hez!: Over it.
Hez!: Crème brûlée!
Hez!: Solicitor at my door
Hez!: Tony D.
Hez!: Sunrise commute
Hez!: 7th and Cherry
Hez!: I spend way too much time here
Hez!: "Ironically [?????] is not a trait shared by everyone"
Hez!: Vegas bound!
Hez!: view from our room
Hez!: New York New York
Hez!: Red Rocks at sunset
Hez!: Red Rocks at sunset
Hez!: Red Rocks at sunset